Training and Award Programmes
The Centre seeks to support young people on their life journey through education by giving them opportunities to take part in accredited training and award programmes. The Centre offers the Duke of Edinburgh/President’s Award at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels for members aged 14+. It delivers the Pope John Paul II Award to 16+ members. Both awards enable young people to take part in a variety of activities – learning new skills, gaining knowledge, volunteering and helping others as well as experiencing the great outdoors.
The Pope John Paul II Award supports young people to get involved in their church and parish activities.
Patrician also offers the “Millennium Award” for young people who wish to volunteer and work alongside children and peers supporting programmes and activities.

Patrician Youth Theatre
Patrician has a long history of Pantomine productions dating back to the 80’s. Pantomimes attract great participation every year with an average of 50+ taking part. Of course the staging in the historical Downshire Great Hall is the best part of the activity – going on stage and performing for an audience is the highlight for every child and young person involved.
Patrician has also produced many other arts programmes over the years. These include Musicals for the past 11 years and many one off events such as ‘Patrick and the Bells’ and more recently the London National Theatre project ‘Connections’, the latter of which has enabled teenagers aged 15+ to work on an original script, perform it locally and in the ‘Lyric Theatre’ in Belfast.
The Centre has also involved children and young people in all the performing arts - singing, dancing and music and has been fortunate enough to be supported to do so over the years. Performing arts at Patrician have grown from strength to strength.

Travel and Youth Exchange
The Centre recognises the great experience that travel provides for it’s membership hence strives to continue to create the opportunities. This has led to the development of extensive travel and exchange links for all ages. Example of local linkages included – cross community programmes with clubs and groups in Ballykinlar, Holywood, in Belfast. The Centre travelled extensively throughout Ireland, forging links with youth organisations which were maintained for many years – such links include currently Portlaoise, County Laoise.
And of course there were many football trips to see Premier League matches during the years some of which were done in partnership with other youth. The Centre has also undertaken many international travel projects which has included – with trips to Finland, Shotts and Glasgow in Scotland and London.

Primary Provision
Performing Arts – Mini Movers and Production Drama
On Monday Evenings children aged 4-8 can are introduced to basic dance and drama.
Play Sport – Play Soccer
On Monday evenings budding football heroes aged 4-7 can come along for an hour and enjoy learning basic football skills, such as penalty shootouts and playing mini soccer. This is great for helping young children learn fine motor skills, and to make new friends.
Friday Evening Youth Club
The centre offers young people aged 8-11 a Friday evening programme. This programme includes arts and crafts, various sports, board games, x-box, and various media. The young people have fun interacting with one another and leaders. Great care is taken to provide a safe learning environment where young children can “play” and have fun learning.
After School Clubs in partnership with Our Lady and St Patrick PS
Patrician offers a Afterschool’s club Monday to Thursday Afternoons. Children from P1-P7 can take part in clubs:
Dance, Drama, Media, Art, Cookery, Hairdressing Skills, Movie Making, Sports Clubs (Soccer, Rugby, Cricket, Basketball) and themed play activities.